Tuesday, November 6, 2007

11 Things Ubuntu Needs To Improve On

Matt Hartley has posted 10 Things Ubuntu Needs To Improve On. He seems to know quite well about what he is writing, although I did not experience problems with (wireless) networking.

What surprises me is that he does not mention display resolution. As I have written earlier, changing the display resolution in Ubuntu can be quite a hassle. There are two options available through the Menu of the Desktop, and both must be set correctly in order to get the right resolution also after a restart of X Window System (Trick: to restart the X Window System in Ubuntu, just press Ctrl+Alt+Backspace).
Searching for a solution on the web only leads to some forums where people write how to modify /etc/X11/xorg.conf manually, which is a total imposition for newbies coming from the Windows world (and in my case, it even did not lead to success anyways!). So, I would like to add point 11) to the list of Matt Hartley:

11) Dummy-proof way of changing the Display Resolution through the Desktop! It is the first thing any novice from the Windows world will want to do, hence it is absolutely essential! Imho, the Windows way of changing things that affect the Desktop (right-click on Desktop, then select 'Properties') is excellent and should be copied 1:1 unless there are some copyrights or patents against it.


Daniel Brown said...

This is something that is available through the Gnome Window manager, which is default with Ubuntu. There is a 'Screen Resolution' option in the 'System' or 'Preferences' menu.

creative mind said...

The confusing thing is that there is another option:

System/Administration/Screens and Graphics

Which must also be set to the desired resolution, otherways changing "Screen Resolution" will not have the desired effect.