Thursday, October 25, 2007

Going for Ubuntu

I have been a Windows enthusiast for years, mainly because I am a realtime graphics fanatic and because there is nothing that compares to DirectX, at least not in terms of multiple layers of high resolution videos as textures on 3D objects.

My enthusiasm for Windows has dropped over the years, today I just see it as a good and stable operating system. The main reason to keep it is for MS Office compatibility and its .NET development environment. But I have to admit that Windows Vista is quite a disappointment and I feel forced to check alternatives, that is, Mac OS X or Linux. While Mac OS X is probably quite nice in some aspects, I somehow don't see a true necessity to favor it over Linux.

After some research, I decided for Ubuntu 7.10 (based on Debian), because
- it is very popular (hence, its future looks promising)
- it seems to allow a soft start without too much shell knowhow
- it seems to be the choice of the linux multimedia programmers (gstreamer - the equivalent to DirectShow)
- it comes by default with really nice 3D desktop features, based on GNOME and compiz

I decided to start a blog and write down my little adventures with Ubuntu. It will hopefully help others and also me myself to not forget about how to deal with specific issues.

If you are a novice or expert Linux user and would like to write some posts in this blog too, just let me know, I will be glad to add you as an author!

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